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My Stardoll Experience

πριν 146 μήνες

Hello Stardoll! I am Indiank and I’m happy to tell you about my work experience here at Stardoll for three days. All the staff members here are really nice and without them Stardoll wouldn’t be as great as it is now.

On my first day, I’ve been introduced to everyone who works here but also to the office and things that I will probably do. The work here isn’t just interesting, but it’s also a lot of fun. My first task was to take the ‘Taylor Swift –fragrances‘ to the post office and send them to the lucky members who won the contest and then to put in order some receipts. After that I had to watch some YouTube videos that soon will be shown on Stardoll and think of an item in each video that could be made into a Stardoll Gift. This is when the fun and interesting things started. I watched each video then I took screen shots of the part in the video that shows the item I chose along with a little note saying which the item chosen is. Then I continued taking screen shot from the past gifts in my suite just to show some of the staff members here, which of the past items I liked and which I’ve seen were quite popular. As the first day of work experience at Stardoll came to an end, I gave one of the staff members’ ideas for ways that they could advertise a new film on Stardoll. I found this interesting because I saw the client’s email and things they were looking for so only the best idea could be chosen to suit the film but also to make sure it’s eye-catching enough and fun on the website so more people would click on it.

My second day was quite different because half of the day I went to a meeting where Disney was the client. In this meeting I got asked question as I am a Stardoll user, so they will see how often I come on the website and if I use certain things on the website like ‘Stardoll Academy’ or ‘Star plaza’ so they would know if they choose Stardoll to advertise their new film, where would be the most popular and interesting places on the website that people will be more likely to see the advert and click to find out new information. In this meeting I learned new things like: what a company is looking for, what facts/information to give the specific company so they will consider you and how this client meetings work. For the other half of the day I came back to the Stardoll office and I had to look on the website and take screen shots in parties and the Barbie club, to see what people think of this new Barbie Campaign that takes place on Stardoll at the moment. This was quite interesting because I had to look for good but also bad opinions.

On my third and last day, I came in the office and thought I should make the most of this experience so I continued writing this blog but also get some ideas for a Pepsi Campaign in Turkey and screen shots of some people’s presentation that could be used in the meeting that had to come. Later we went on a meeting with Hasbro to present things about Stardoll and what girls like and are interested in on Stardoll. I found this meeting interesting and fun again because I think the work here at Stardoll is always fun but also creative because of the new ideas that have to be put in to make everything better. When we came back I did a Star movie as an example for a Pepsi Campaign of what kind of competition there could be on Stardoll and finally I wrote this blog to share my experience here at Stardoll with everyone.

Thank you so much to all the Stardoll staff here, they are all really nice and helpful. I learned a lot of things and I had a lot of fun. There are chances I will probably join the team again in the future so I’m really excited. Thank you!
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