- We spotted Jessica Biel leaving a private screening of the movie 'Total Recall' in London the other day. She was looking insanely happy and we love her big smile. But ok, who wouldn't smile like that if they were marrying Justin Timberlake...?
- Wir entdeckten Robert Pattinson wie er gestern mit David Cronenberg im The Times Center in New York fotografiert wurde. Aber hey Rob, dein Hosenstall ist offen!
- Unser lieblings-"Die Tribute von Panem"-Mädchen Jennifer Lawrence war unterwegs nach einem schweißtreibenden Work-Out in ihrem Fitnessstudio in LA.
- Aww, Emma Roberts and her new fling Evan Peters are really a super cute couple! We spotted them out and about on a lovely date together this Friday, grabbing lunch and a cup of coffee together. It really looks like the young couple are hitting it off!
- Who are you texting and talking to Vanessa Hudgens? We did not give you our number yet! We bet it is some cute guy on the line, oh fun date planning!
- Superstars are not always in the mood for having their pictures taken! Vanessa Hudgens sure isn’t a fan of the paparazzi and she always has different tactics to hide from unwanted camera flashes. Click on the pics to check out how Vanessa does everything to hide from the swarms of photographers!
- Aufgepasst! Harry Styles von One Direction verließ sein Hotel in London, um zu Proben zu gehen. Und er hatte einen Koffer dabei...willst du nach dem Auftritt direkt in den Flieger steigen, Harry?
- Gotcha! Harry Styles of One Direction left his hotel to go to rehearsals in London, England. He carried a suitcase.. catching a flight after performing, Harry? But hey, where are your One Direction buds? We'd like to see a bit more of them too!
- We spotted reality star Lauren Conrad, once again in a super fashionable outfit! But on the other hand, have you ever seen her in something ugly? Well, we haven't... She was dressed in a nude shirt, a pair of blue skinny jeans and had a black leather Balenciaga bag over her arm. Trendy, chic and SO Lauren Conrad!
- Hallo Schönheit! Kate Bosworth wurde hier beim Shopping in Los Angeles gesehen. Inzwischen ist sie weniger fürs Schauspielen...
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