Taylor Swift!
- #__CINEMA[/cms/flashvideos/Vreeland_SweetSuites_med.flv?1|0|1|390|290]__#
I'm sure you've all heard One Direction new single Live While We're Young! The music video has only been uploaded for two days on youtube and it already has over 10 million views!
- Wir lieben Kristen Bell immer mehr! Sie ist einfach zuuu süß! Die hübsche Schauspielering war letztens bei "Conan" und verriet ihre ernsthafte Sucht nach Gutscheinen, ihre sparsamen Einkaufsgewohnheiten und sie hat auch ein schockierendes Geheimnis verraten. Wir können einfach nicht mehr aufhören zu lachen! Schaut euch das Video gleich unten an! Wie kann man denn dieses Mädel nicht lieben?
- Oh. Mein. Gott. Habt ihr Directioners dieses UNGLAUBLICHE Video der fantastischen Fünf gesehen, in dem sie 'Wonderwall' von Oasis am Set von 'What Makes You Beautiful' singen?!
- Haha, das könnte das Witzigste sein, das wir JE gesehen haben! Zayn Malik und Louis Tomlinson veralbern die anderen Mitglieder von One Direction, und es ist so lustig!
- Here is a brand new tutorial I made a while ago, I hope this helps you by making your next make-over be spectacular!
- Here is a great way to make-over your doll for the summer! Make sure you see what eyeshadow colors I used, so your doll can look amazing as it should be! I used a dark lipstick since the eyshadow I used was a little light. This make-over goes well with a nice tank and cute shorts.
- Justin Bieber's newest album "Believe" drops on June 19th and we can't wait. As a special treat, The Biebs released some snippets of the songs on "Believe" and they sound amazing! If you can't wait another week for the album then make sure to check out the video below.
- John Mayer has finally released a new single and it's about his old flame, Jennifer Aniston. John and Jen dated off and on from 2008 to 2009. After they broke up John "secretly" dated Taylor Swift before completely disappearing from the media. Well, now John is back with a single titled "Shadow Days" and it's supposedly about his relationship with Jennifer! In the song, John sings about the breakup and how everything will one day be all right. Is this John's comeback? We've missed him, but the Jen-thing is a bit old!
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"