Jonas brothers
- Which era of Disney Channel is YOUR favorite?
- Throwback The Jonas Brothers! We remember it like yesterday when Nick, Joe and Kevin Jonas starred in the Disney Channel Original Movies Camp Rock and its sequel, Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam, back in 2008 - They were oh so pretty! But what are the trio up to these days? Click on the pictures to take a walk down the memory lane and a trip in the present with gorgeous The Jonas Brothers!
- As we mentioned earlier today, we don't really know that the Jonas Brothers are up to today. We haven't heard much from them lately, but we spotted two of them, Nick Jonas and Joe Jonas, when they went to Fogo de Chao restaurant in Beverly Hills, California. Oh guys, can't you spend some time in the studio too? Just for us?
- Ist das das Ende der Jonas Brothers? Sowohl Nick Jonas als auch Joe Jonas sind mit Soloprojekten beschäftigt, Kevin Jonas ist glücklich verheiratet und nun ist auch noch ihre TV Show im Disney TV-Kanal zu Ende...Disney gab bekannt, dass die Jonas LA Show bereits nach der zweiten Staffel eingestellt wird! Seid ihr traurig, dass wir die Brüder nicht mehr auf Disney zu Gesicht bekommen oder seid ihr inzwischen eh schon ein wenig genervt von ihnen?
- Hot new couple Joe Jonas and Ashley Greene have been inseparable lately and they don't even care who knows it! They have been spotted out and about everywhere together in Los Angeles over the last weeks and last night they were downt town taking a romantic walk after dinner. Its definitely getting serious and we think they are a great couple!
- Angelina Jolie's dedication to her humanitarian work as an Ambassador of Goodwill for the UN has earned her the respect of millions of fans!
- How cute do Kevin Jonas and Nick Jonas look in their softball outfits! The boys took part in a charity ball game a the Roger Dean Stadium in Florida yesterday and especially Nick looked like he was kicking some serious butt on the field! Is there anything he can't do?!
- Wie niedlich sehen doch Kevin Jonas und Nick Jonas in ihren Softball-Outfits aus! Hinreissend! Die Jungs nahmen gestern an einer Charityveranstaltung im Roger Dean Stadium in Florida teil. Nick sah so aus, als ob er auch ein paar ernsthafte Bälle schlug. Gibt es was, das er nicht kann?!
- Die Premiere für den neuen Disney Sommerfilm "Camp Rock 2" gestern Nacht in New York City war ein voller Erfolg. Die großen Stars des Films wie z.B. The Jonas Brothers und Mickey & Mini Maus schritten über den roten Teppich. Am meisten hat jedoch Demi Lovato geglänzt!
- The premiere for Disney's latest summer movie, "Camp Rock 2" was last night in New York City and major Disney stars like the Jonas Brothers and even Mickey and Mini Mouse were all on the red carpet. But the brightest star of all had to Demi Lovato! She looked stunning in a white tulle and sparkly mini dress and she was all smiles even when posing with her ex Joe Jonas! Way to go Demi!
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