Harry potter
- Wondering about these women?
- Meet this galactically cool person!
Check out the incredible art from our Harry Potter fans!
- In the past few days, I've been reading the Harry Potter series.
I want to write about something I love!
Hello starblog readers
Have you bought and decorated your Alpine Chalet yet? Well I was looking around stardoll and found a member called Waterfairys who did something pretty amazing with hers! She made it into Godric's Hollow from the Harry Potter series. As all you Potter fans will know, Godric's Hollow is the small village where Harry Potters parents lived when he was a baby. If you have read the books or seen the most recent Harry Potter movie you will know how amazing her suite is as it looks very similar to how Godric's Hollow is depicted.
- Gestern hatte der Film "Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes: Teil 2" seine USA-Premiere in New York City. Viele der Stars des Films kamen sowie einige berühmte NYC-Modeikonen! Niemand konnte jedoch Emma Watson das Wasser reichen, die atemberaubend hübsch aussah in einem trägerlosen, goldenen Kleid aus der Bottega Veneta Herbstkollektion 2011.In Bezug auf ihre Kleiderwahl, erklärte Emma den Reportern: "New York ist solch eine Modehauptstadt, ich wollte alles herausholen. In London entschied ich mich für etwas Klassischeres, aber heute wollte ich Etwas, das ins Auge sticht."Wir wissen nicht, wie ihr darüber denkt, aber wir finden, dass Emma mit ihrem Look vollkommen ins Schwarze getroffen hat. Aber wir sollten nicht die männlichen Schauspieler vergessen, die auch etwas Anerkennung verdienen dafür, dass sie einwandfrei schick und elegant aussahen in ihren Designer-Anzügen!
- Are you guys just as sad as us to see the Harry Potter saga come to its end? For many people, Harry Potter has been a big part of their lives growing up, so we can only imagine how big of a part it mustn't have played in the actors lives! They have practically lived and breathed Harry Potter for over a decade! Empire magazine went on to ask the cast of the movie how they would sum up the experience in one word, and we think Emma Watson simply nailed it. How would you guys sum up your Harry Potter experience in one word?
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
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