Grey's anatomy
- Someone made a great performance during a concert in the Netherlands, a mother-of-three was arrested for bad behavior and a real hunk looked terribly angry at the red carpet. Wonder who did what?
- We spotted Grey's Anatomy star Katherine Heigl having drinks with her mother Nancy Heigl and husband Josh Kelley at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills the other day, and something sort of spooked us.. Kath look JUST like her mom Nancy! They have the exact same clothing style, haircut and hair color. Dressing like your mom is cute when you're younger, but doing it in your 30s? That's just weird... Let's hope Josh doesn't accidentally mistake Nancy for Kath, that could be awkward!
- Ok Grey's Anatomy fans, stop reading now if you don't want to ruin your day. McDreamy, aka Patrick Dempsey, has decided that the upcoming eighth season of Grey's will be his last. What? Grey's Anatomy without Derek Shepherd?! That's just not possible. Which makes us wonder what will happen to Meredith and the rest of the cast....? The creator of the show, Shonda Rimes, has said "It might be a last hurrah for a lot of them." Shonda even said, "I feel like Meredith and Derek are meant to be together forever, and we're going to make sure that in the end they end up together, one would hope- unless one of them dies or something." OMG! (tvline)
Grey's Anatomy Season 8 might be the most tragic season yet, and you know what? We can't wait!
- Happy Cinco de Mayo sweethearts! We're so excited to celebrate the 5th of May today and wanted to give a shout out to some of our favorite celebs of Mexican descent! Olé!
- Nicole Richie wore her own Winter Kate Collection gold long-sleeved mini dress to a party in Las Vegas last year and her friend, Grey's Anatomy star Ellen Pompeo wore the same dress party during the holiday season. They both wore it with tights and black pumps, but had very different hairdos. Who do you think wore it best?
- Grey's Anatomy star Ellen Pompeop didn't look very amused when she was photographed on the way to her gym in Studio City yesterday afternoon!
- Wenn deine Nachname Ronson ist, gehörst du definitiv zu den angesagtesten Leuten im Showbiz! Wie ihre Fans wissen, ist Charlotte Ronson Modedesignerin und lancierte gestern Abend ihre Linie "I heart Ronson" für die Kette JC Penney in den Milk Studios in Los Angeles. Was für eine Gästeliste, seht euch unten die Fotos vom roten Teppich an!
- If your surname is Ronson, you are in just about the coolest gang of people in showbiz!
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