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- We figure Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie won't ever take off their wedding rings after the wedding- not after paying $ 1 million for them! The luxury jeweller Robert Procop is honored to make the rings: "Robert's been busy all year making Brad and Angie's wedding rings", a source says. "They are matching rose gold bands with a table-cut diamond in them and their vows to each other engraved in them. You can't see it with the naked eye but they both know they're there." Well they're really not cutting corners with their wedding.... (showbizspy)
- Hollywood- another day, another drama! The latest catfight in Hollywood is apparently going on between Anne Hathaway and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, that recently did the movie The Dark Knight rises together. "They can't STAND each other", an insider from the set reveals. According to new reports, Anne acted like "such an insufferable snob" during the production that whenever she entered a room, Joseph immediately had to leave!“ He thinks she’s a good actress, but he just doesn’t understand her ego. Also, Anne was very dismissive of Joseph early in her career. She even turned down a couple of jobs where she was supposed to act opposite him. He wanted to make fun of how seriously Anne was taking herself and the role. He was too polite to point out to her that she was playing a cat in a comic-book movie, not actually saving the world.”, the insider explains. Oh-oh, sounds like they're having BIG problems with each other! (perezhilton)
- Das haben wir NICHT erwartet! Während der Olympischen Spiele fuhren Taxis zur Bühne und ratet, welche fantastischen Stars aus der Autos kamen? Doe Spice Girls!
- This was so NOT what we expected! During the Olympics Closing Ceremony in London five London cabs drove onto the stage, and guess what fantastic five jumped out of them? Spice Girls! Wow, we haven't seen them performing together for SO long, and this time everything was just FANTASTICO! It was glamour, super awesome and of course- filled with girl power! They sang 'Wannabe' and 'Spice Up Your Life' to a cheering crowd and they all loved it! Wanna see them again? Check it out here!
- Justin Theroux hat sich endlich getraut und um Jennifer Anistons Hand angehalten! Justin Theroux hatte am Freitag einen wunderschönen Geburtstag, der mit Jens "Ja" natürlich noch verschönert wurde. Sein Sprecher bestätigte, dass "Freundin Jennifer Aniston den Antrag annahm.
- Justin Theroux has finally gone down on one knee and has popped the BIG question to Jennifer Aniston- 'Will You Marry Me?!'. "Justin Theroux had an amazing birthday on Friday, receiving an extraordinary gift when his girlfriend Jennifer Aniston, accepted his proposal of marriage", Justin's rep tells in a statement! Awww, finally! The couple met during the set of 'Wanderlust' a couple of years ago, and have been officially dating for more than one year. We're so happy for them, Jen's gonna be a beautiful bride! (people)
- Now Kristin Cavallari is officially a mom! Yesterday morning Kristin gave birth to a baby morning, and she announced it on Twitter just hours after the birth: "We are thrilled to welcome Camden Jack Cutler into the world", the former reality star wrote. "He was born this morning weighing 7lbs 9oz. Everyone is doing great!", she continued. Camden is the first child for both Kristin and the father, her fiance Jay Cutler. They announced she was pregnant back in January, which was just months after they reconciled after a short break up. Congrats, Kristin and Jay! We hope you'll be a happy little family! (wonderwall)
- Ist es endlich soweit?! Französischen Berichten zufolge sind Brad Pitt und Angelina Jolie bereit sich an diesem Wochenende, am 11. August, in ihrem französischen Chateau Miraval, das Ja-Wort zu geben.
- Is this finally it?! According to French reports Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are all set to tie the knot this weekend at their French chateau, Miraval, on August 11. "Everyone in town is talking about it; in Correns [the small village near Miraval], it's common knowledge that the wedding is happening soon", a source reveals. But meanwhile, another French source says that they WON'T say I do this weekend, but it will happen pretty soon: "The wedding is definitely going to be soon. My brother is on the construction crew that's been remodeling Miraval and he says the renovations are definitely for the upcoming wedding and that everything is almost finished". Aww, we're so happy for the couple, and we guess it'll be a magical night! (x17)
- Wo-oh-oh! Kate Bosworth hat aus Versehen eine riesengroße Neuigkeit ausgeplaudert, als sie in ihren Blog über ihren und Michael Polishs Trip nach Südkorea berichtete: "An unserem ersten Tag in Seoul sind mein Verlobter Michael Polish und ich zum Changdeokgung Palast gefahren"
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