Style spotlight
- Ever since the Cheerios switched sides and become proper Gleeks, we've really loved the individual style of each girl (Quinn, Brittany, and Santana) but we have to admit, the Cheerio with the best style is definitely Brittany (Heather Morris)! We're constantly inspired by her crazy trendy outfits. A lot of her clothes seem inspired by Heather herself, so we decided to take a peek into her wardrobe!
Heather has great style! She has that perfect balance between totally glam and totally casual. She's also not afraid to go a bit off-trend (at least in the red carpet sense) with knee socks, playsuits, and wild earrings. We love that she always dresses age appropriately, and never tries to dress older than she is. So many young actresses dress like their 45 and it's just...ugh! What do you think of Heather's style? Love or hate? Click on the photos to see more of Heather's awesome outfits!
- Yesterday was the premiere of The Help, the new book-turned-movie starring Emma Stone. Emma wore a Chanel Haute Couture dress with a Chanel purse and jewelry, her shoes are Brian Atwood. We're not used to seeing Emma in such girly colors (pale pink and soft grey/beige) so it's a bit of shock to see her soft side.
- Gestern war die Premiere von "The Help", einer Romanverfilmung mit Emma Stone. Emma trug ein Kleid aus Chanels Haute-Couture sowie eine Chanel-Handtasche und Schmuck. Ihre Schuhe sind von Brian Atwood. Wir sind es nicht gewöhnt, Emma in diesen mädchenhaften Farben zu sahen (blassrosa und beige). Ihr softe Seite ist ein kleiner Schock für uns.Wir mögen das Kleid, aber sind keine großen Fans der Tasche.
- We spotted Emma Stone on her way to the David Letterman Show wearing an Azzaro Pre-Fall 2011, black dress with a criss-cross detail down the front. We love Emma but we're not sure about the dress. The criss-cross is a little too gothic/renaissance for our taste. What do you guys think, would you wear this dress?
- We've said time and time again that summer's hottest colors are white and blue, but we haven't really seen them paired together, we guess because the look could be a bit too Elvis Presley. :)
We just spotted the lovely Freida Pinto in the most amazing outfit! Freida is wearing a simple white dress with a zipper detail up the front and electric blue heels! Her golden skin looks amazing next to the white dress and the blue shoes pop in such a perfect way! Would you wear this outfit?
- Wir sahen Emma Stone auf dem Weg zur David Letterman Show in einem schwarzen Kleid aus der Azzaro Pre-Fall 2011 Kollektion. Vorne hat das Kleid ein kreuz- und querverlaufendes Schmuckdetail.
- Wir haben es schon oft betont: Weiß und Blau sind die heißesten Farben des Sommers, aber wir haben sie noch nicht so oft zusammen gesehen - vielleicht weil der Look dann ein wenig zu sehr nach Elvis Presley aussieht. :
- Rihanna is one of our favorite artists. Since her breakthrough in 2005 with the song ”Pon de Replay”, she has mesmerized us with her awesome voice, great dance moves, and her constantly changing style! During her six-year carrier, she has gone through a major fashion makeover. She started out as a cute girl, with light brown hair and pink clothes, to the cool singer with black hair and futuristic clothes, and finally to the sultry and sophisticated woman she is today! Check out her fashion makeover, from 2005 until today, and tell us which style you think suits Rihanna best!
- Schwarz, weiß, minimalistisch - das sind die drei Wörter mit denen der Style der modischen Schwester aus Hollywood beschrieben werden kann! Ashley Olsen ist erst 25 Jahre alt, aber sie ist bereits eine Modeikone, die Mädchen auf der ganzen Welt Inspiration gibt. Wir lieben ihren simplen Style mit einem Touch Maskulinität. Blazer, Hosen und Lederröcke sind Ashleys Lieblingsstücke! Seht euch unsere Top 11 ihrer Looks an!
- Prince Harry's new girlfriend, Florence Brudenell-Bruce, was spotted out and about in London. We like her casual style with the navy blue maxi dress and Converse shoes, but we're kinda weirded out by her strange, pink belt. Since she's going to be in the spotlight a lot more now, maybe she should hire a stylist? Thoughts on the or not?
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