Style spotlight
- Sorry Lea Michele and Dianna Agron, you're cute dresses and high heels don't cut it! We're officially crowning Kevin McHale as the trendiest person in Glee! In fact, Kevin completely outshines his female co-stars with his cool street style and innovative fashion. We absolutely love him! Click on the pics and check out Kevin's amazing sense of fashion!
- Kirsten Dunst looks fantastic in this mustard yellow top paired with black wide leg jeans and black leather purse! We've always loved Kirsten's style and this casual every day look is no exception!
Stardoll Admin
- Kirsten Dunst sieht fantastisch aus im senfgelben Top mit den schwarzen weiten Hosen und der Ledertasche! Wir haben Kirstens Stil schon immer geliebt und dieser entspannte Freizeitlook ist keine Ausnahme!
- Actress, Amanda Seyfried, is one of the most beautiful people we've ever seen. Her long blonde hair and doll-like features make us envious, but she seems like such a nice person that we can't hate her! Doesn't Amanda seem like the perfect best friend? Ever since "Mean Girls," Amanda has been making her way across the red carpet, from starring in the adaptation of "Mamma Mia" to being Justin Timberlake's leading lady in "In Time," Amanda is quickly turning into Hollywood's golden girl. Click on the pics to see some of our favorite looks on Amanda!
- We love a well dressed man! And since we always we talk about our favorite fashionistas, we thought it was about time to turn the spotlight to the boys! The fashionistos! Because nothing impresses us more than a guy who knows how to dress! It's time to give men like Justin Timberlake and David Beckham credit for their impeccable sense of style! Click on the pics to check out out Hollywood's biggest fashionistos!
- Schauspielerin Amanda Seyfried ist einer der hübschesten Menschen überhaupt. Ihre blonden Haare und ihr puppenhaftes Gesicht sind beneidenswert schön und sie scheint zudem auch noch eine so nette Person zu sein!
- Die ganze Welt liebt schick gekleidete Männer! Da wir uns eh so gerne über Fashionistas unterhalten, ist es nun an der Zeit, die Jungs ins Rampemlicht zu stellen.
- Victoria Beckham, formerly known as Posh Spice is now known as one of the hottest fashion designers! We loved Victoria's S/S 2012 collection and her past collections have impressed us immensely. But we're not the only ones, Hollywood celebrities like Eva Longoria and Kate Winslet are lining up to Victoria's designs! Click on the pics and see how Victoria is spicing up the fashion world!
- Wir haben die hübsche Schauspielerin Amanda Seyfried bei der Premiere von ihrem neuen Film "In Time" gesehen. Amanda trug grellblaue Shorts mit einem passenden Blazer von (kaum zu glauben...) H&M!
- Victoria Beckham, früher bekannt als Posh Spice ist nun eineder heißeste Mode Designer! Wir lieben Victorias S/S 2012 Kollektion und ihr vorherigen Kollektionen haben uns auch beeindruckt.
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