Celebrity insider
- Kim Kardashian has always known that she wants to become a mother one day! A couple of years ago, she reavealed to Entertainment Tonight that she wants at least four babies: "I want a lot of kids, like [how] I grew up with a lot of brothers and sisters.” Now, Kim K and her rapper beau Kanye West are expecting and we are over the moon of exaltation! Click on the pics to read Kim's best mommy quotes through the year!
- The singer was born on August, 9, 1963 in New Jersey, USA. When she was young she was was a notable gospel singer. Whitney debuted her first album in 1985 and won her first Grammy in 1986. In 1992 she went on to marry her husband Bobby Brown, who she filed for divorce from in 2006. The two shared one child together, Bobbi Kristina.Whitney Houston reigned as pop music's queen. She will be remembered as one of the greatest singer we have ever had. She was multiplatinum pop/R&B singer who ruled the charts for decades beginning in the mid-1980's. We have collected some of her most memorable moments!Take look at the legendary singer through the years!
- Nach 18 Jahren Glitzer und Glamour Leben als A-Promi, ist Kirsten Dunst nun bereit für den nächsten Schritt und will sich niederlassen und KInder kriegen. Aber dabei gibt es ein Problem - ihr fehlt der Mann in ihrem Leben!
- Think you know everything there is to know about Britney Spears? Well you don't! According to the pop princess her self, the public only know about half of all things Britney related. In a recent interview with Popjustice, Britney gets asked how much she feels her fans know about her, and she replied: "I would say half. I can be pretty guarded with my personal life and I've learned that’s okay. Sometimes it’s our secrets that define us"
If you however want to brave beyond those 50 percent, a good start might be to read the full interview here!
- Ihr dachtet, ihr wisst alles über Britney Spears? Falsch gedacht! Die Popprinzessin sagt selbst, dass die Öffentlichkeit nur die Hälfte über sie kennt. In einem Interview mit "Popjustice" wurde Britney kürzlich gefragt, wieviel ihre Fans über sie wüssten, und sie antwortete: "Ich würde sagen die Hälfte....
- When dining at the famous sushi restaurant Nobu in San Diego's Hard Rock Hotel on Thursday night, Twilight couple Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson received a special visit from fellow Comic Coner Justin Timberlake! Justin tried to keep a low profile as he approached the couple, and stayed for several minutes until ultimately scooting back to his table to finish his meal. But hey, at least he didn't have to worry about his food getting cold!
We can't help but wonder though what Justin possibly could have talked to them about! Did he offer to play a vampire in the last Twilight movie? Did he suggest that next time around, the three of them create an infamous love triangle in a movie? Aaah, the possibilities are endless!
- Jennifer Aniston recently appeared on 'Inside the Actors Studio' and for the first time ever, she revealed how exactly it was she got into comedy acting. Believe it or not, it wasn't some life long dream of hers! It was actually just her natural way of dealing with sadness, particularly her parents' divorce.
She explains, "It was pretty crappy. I came home from a birthday party and he was moved out. It was pretty abrupt. Sure, your dad leaves and disappears for a while, that’s pretty brutal. But that’s sort of the beauty of it. Like I said, I would never exchange any of it… Me making people laugh, finding the humor in things, trying to lighten up the mood between disgruntled parents, getting attention… It sort of was a survival technique.”
We're glad Jen managed to turn her lemons into lemonade! Just imagine how different "Friends" would have been without her. Aaah, we don't even dare to think about it!
- Wir sahen gestern die sehr natürlich aussehende Transformer-Frau Rosie Huntington-Whiteley bei der Ankunft in ihrem Zuhause in Los Angeles. Sie hatte wohl auf eine schnellen Weg von ihrem Auto in ihr Haus gehofft, aber zu ihrem Pech standen die Paparazzi schon bereit und warteten!
- Paris Hilton shares 25 things that we bet you didn't know about her! How fun! What are 25 things no one knows about you? Share the deets with us!
Paris Hilton's List:
1. I love scrapbooking and creating albums as gifts for my friends and family.
2. I was born in NYC and grew up in a hotel.
3. I'm an amazing cook. I'm really great at making big breakfasts, but my specialty is lasagna.
4. I've played piano since I was 5.
5. I have naturally curly hair.
6. Katy Perry's music always puts me in a good mood and makes me want to dance.
7. I have pet rats.
8. I love applesauce.
9. My most prized possessions are the dresses my grandmother left me.
10. When I was little, my mom would punish me by unplugging my private phone.
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