- Did you know that Kate Winslet recently carried an elderly woman out of a burning house? Not for a movie, but in real life! During a recent stay at the Carribean home of Richard Branson (whose son she's dating), she was awakened at 4:30 in the morning by screams of "fire!" and she admits to not reacting entirely predictable.
Kate recalled the incident at The Graham Norton show, "I ran into the bedroom and put on a bra. In disastrous moments like that, you do the strangest things. I started to put on a bra and thought 'No, that’s going to take me too long,' so off came the bra, on came the t-shirt, I grabbed the children and I picked up Granny.We were all at the top of some very slippery stone steps and in the middle of a hurricane – it was so dramatic, there was lashing rain and it really did feel like being in a movie. In truth, I carried Eve Branson down the stairs.I have to say Eve Branson is an extraordinary stoic, powerful lady and she could have totally made it out on her own. I just helped that tiny little bit." We're glad everyone's okay!
- We spotted Kim Kardashian leaving her Manhattan hotel together with her cool little nephew Mason Discik on Friday. If we didn't know how it really is, we would probably have mistaken Mason for her son! Kim always looks like such a natural when she's around him, which leads us to believe that having children can't be too far away in her horizon...
- Der Kult-Designer Ralph Lauren schmiss gestern eine sehr gewagte und glamouröse Party! Promis wie Uma Thurman, Naomi Watts und Glee's Jonathan Groff erschienen top gestylt auf dem roten Teppich! Wirklich beeindruckende Mode wurde uns in dieser Nacht präsentiert - klickt euch durch die Bilder und seht selbst!
- Wir lieben Pippas blauen Mantel und Schal! Anstatt diesen Winter einen stinknormalen Mantel zu kaufen, werden wir uns von ihrem inspirieren lassen und auf blau setzen!
- Justin Bieber loves making sure that his gal gets nothing but first class treatment, even when just watching a movie! As you may remember, last month he rented the entire Staples center for a private screening of Titanic, and apparently now he has gone and done it again! This time, the couple enjoyed a private viewing of the movie "Real Steel" in Winnipeg, Canada and get this, they even had pizza delivered to the theater! Oh, to be young, in love and filthy rich!
- Erwischt! Einige unserer Lieblings-Gossip Girl-Stars Blake Lively und Penn Badgley wurden in New York entdeckt! Auch wenn gerade alle ein wenig sauer auf Lonely Boy sind, sieht er eigentlich nicht mehr so einsam aus?! Klickt euch durch die Bilder von der Upper East Side!
- Earlier today we spotted Gwen Stefani play on the swings in Primrose Hill park in London with her two favorite little guys, Zuma and Kingston. Gwen is such a devoted mom, and from what we can tell she's pretty funny too! Her sons are so lucky to have her as their mom!
Hallo meine lieben Leser, der zeit hatte ich kaum was geschrieben. Aber jetzt hab ich mal was neues für euch. Drei Kreative Stylings von drei hübschen Mädchen.
Da sind sie:
- We love these photos of Katherine Heigl! The fancy outfit paired with the common activity of getting gas is just so great! Katherine is dressed to nines, she looks totally hot especially in her leopard print booties! And even though she's a total diva, she still gets her own gas!
- This week's celeb is so hot that we would pack our bags and move to Mystic Falls in a heartbeat. Of course we know that Paul Wesley isn't really his Vampire Diaries character, Stefan Salvatore, but still... he's so amazing! Did you know that Paul's real name is Paul Wasilewski, but since it was too hard for people to remember and pronounce he changed it! Since his days on The Vampire Diaries, Paul has quickly turned into one of the hottest It celebs! Click on the pics to see more of the very hot, Stefan, err... we mean Paul!
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