- Hannah Herzsprung ist nicht nur eine gute Schauspielerin, sondern hat auch einen tollen Modegeschmack.
- Last week, we heard rumors about a possible break up between Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis. After 14 years together, Vanessa and Johnny are now living in separate houses and Vanessa has been spotted alone the last few weeks. At the French premiere of the movie Café de Flore" Vanessa was asked how she's handeling the rumors. "It depends which rumor," Vanessa replied. "Here, this is one which could hurt my family. After that ... they say that we have 52 houses in France, we separate in winter, we get married every summer. Me, I'm in my 12th pregnancy. All this is, I don't know, because the Queen of England didn't lose her teeth this week and there's nothing happening," she continued. Vanessa claims these rumors are absolutely false, but we're still not convinced... (people)
- Natalie Portman is without a doubt one of the most talented and beautiful actresses of our time. But one thing she's not that good at is dressing for the red carpet. We hope someone can teach Natalie how to dress, and as soon as possible! Click on the pictures to see some of Natalies most horrifying looks on the red carpet.
Hallo ihr Lieben!
Möchtet ihr eine gute Figur machen? Kombiniert trendy Bleistiftröcke mit weichen Pastelltönen oder smarten Schwarz.Die Artikel kann man im H&M Online-Shop erwerben.
- Beyoncé und Jay-Z haben sich für Paten für ihre Tochter Blue Ivy Carter entschieden! Einem nahestehenden Insider zufolge, soll die extrem einflussreiche Oprah Winfrey die Patentante werden.
- We love watching the webseries Talent. It's inspired us to follow our own dreams! We know it's a tought world out there, but Talent shows us that anything if possible. In season two, follow Harper Walker as she tries to make her dream of becoming a pop star a reality! If you want to watch the vids, just go to Talent's site! New episodes air every Tuesday and Thursday. And make sure to become a fan on Facebook for tips about making it in Hollywood, freebies, and great insider info.
- Die Unsichtbare feierte diese Woche in Berlin Premiere. Dieser Film erinnert uns irgendwie an Black Swan mit Nathalie Portman: eine Frau, die für ihren Traum auf der Bühne zu stehen bis ans Äußerste geht.
- s gibt ein Umstyling, wie es schon in der Überschrift verratet, von Misscoolstar1
Ich möchte gar nicht lange um den heißen Brei herumreden, seht selbst:
- Auch wenn die Orlando Bloom von uns gestohlen hat, wir lieben Miranda Kerr. Schaut euch dieses Lächeln an, wie kann man dieses süße Mädchen nicht mögen?
- Nicky Hilton was spotted outside of Barneys in Beverly Hills, after a nice shopping spree. We're huge fans of Nicky's street style, she looks so stylish but at the same time effortless! Hopefully her sister Paris gets a one-on-one style lesson with her, that'd do Paris good!
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