- Eda.Stardoll hatte zum Ende des Ramadan eine Eid Party veranstaltet und die Gewinner konnten bei unseren Wettbewerben eine ekxlusive Einladung gewinnen.
Leider hat es von den 2 deutschen nur Merve-58 geschafft, vorbei zu kommen, aber das war auch schon ein Spaß, habe ich mir sagen lassen!
- So many of our starlets have tried the redhead trend, but who did it better?! Rihanna went bright red while Ashley Greene tried a more sublime shade. It is up to you to decide, which star had the best colored red do?! Make your decision and vote!
- Punk rock chick Avril Lavigne showed of a pair of cute red glasses. We think they're cool and they definitely make her stand out from the crowd, but what's your opinion?! As always it is up to YOU to decide if it is hot or not- so make up your mind and vote!
- Lady Gaga is always on top of the world of beauty and fashion, and she's pulling everything off in a level that the rest of us will probably never even reach! Today she showed us that she's gone all gingerlicious, and we absolutely love it! How about you guys, do you like the redheaded version of Gaga?
- Little did Avril Lavigne, 27, know that romance would be in the air when herself and Nickelback frontman Chad Kroeger, 37, got together in February to co-write a song for her new album. Now, 6 months later they are engaged to be married! "A romantic relationship blossomed as they spent time writing together," says one of Avril's close friends. Chad popped the question with a 14-carat diamond ring, bling bling catching! "He makes her so happy," says a family source. Aww bless! Avril was previously engaged to Sum 41 frontman Deryck Whibley in 2009, Chad has never asked the question before. We wish the lucky two the best of luck! (people)
- Werden sie es jemals lernen? Hollywood ist voller inspirierender Fasionistas, aber es gibt auch die Gegenbeispiele, die so ziemlich alles falsch machen. Schaut euch nur Jennifer Lopez an, warum trägt sie dieses bauchfreie Oberteil?!
- Es ist wieder an der Zeit, wir haben die besten Outfits der Woche für euch! Wenn ihr euch inspirieren lassen wollt, dann ist diese Woche Leighton Meester mit dabei, denn die trägt schöne Farben zu Jeans.
- So viele Stars und Sternchen stehen derzeit auf den Trend der roten Haare, aber wem steht es am besten? Rihanna hat beispielsweise knallrote Haare und Ashley Green mag es eher dezent.
- Lady Gaga ist modisch immer an der Spitze der Welt und alles was sie trägt, ist für Normalsterbliche normalerweise nicht tragbar.
- It's not easy being original in Hollywood, and two stars that must've felt that way are Cameron Diaz and Sophia Bush. They both looked smashing in an orange, very simple, gala gown. They both matched the dress with a sequin clutch and cute bangles. But there's a winner in everything and so it is today. Who wore the orange dress best? Vote!
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