- Now it's official! As we reported earlier, rapper Wiz Khalifa and Kanye West's ex girlfriend Amber Rose are having a baby! Amber and Wiz showed up at MTV Video Music Awards and Amber was glowing, showing off her little baby bump. "We're expecting a beautiful little baby, me and Amber. We're so excited!", Wiz said on the red carpet. "We're having a baby!". Amber said she was doing fine, but added "My feet hurt! I'm going to sit down". Yea, we could imagine, standing there posing in high heels!! Anyways, we wish you all the best, Wiz and Amber, and as we said before, we bet your kid's gonna be the coolest kid in town! (usmagazine)
- Amanda Bynes is banned from the roads! F-i-n-a-l-l-y we'd say.. The DMV just suspended her driver's license because of two hit-and-run charges this week. It's not yet decided how long Amanda's suspension will last, and she herself hasn't commented on the incident yet. Following her DUI charge Amanda posted a message to President Barack Obama on Twitter saying: "Hey @barackobama... I don't drink. Please fire the cop who arrested me. I also don't hit and run. The end." Yea, we bet you don't drink... Hrmf... (latimes)
- Katy Perry has had basically all hair colors, but now she's gone back to where she once started, to black! She's cut her hair short and showed off a very dark look at an event the other night. What do you guys say, hot or not? Vote!
Hallo liebe Leser.
Ich möchte mich bei euch für eure zahlreiche Teilnahme bedanken und ein riesiges Lob an die Jury.Uns allen ist aufgefallen das einige nicht ganz verstanden haben wie man sich bewirbt.
- Kick start Fall in some crazy chic pants, just like Kristen Bell! She wore hers with a romantic blouse, a nice blazer and a statement necklace. Check out our gallery to find out where you find the right clothes and get the celeb look!
- Fashion icon and former reality star Olivia Palermo and her boyfriend Johannes Huebl must be the most fashionable couple ever. We've never seen them committing any fashion crimes and they always look amazing together! We spotted the couple in Germany, looking smashing as always. And Olivia, hold on to Johannes, we figure he's the best accessory you'll ever have!
- Kim Kardashian may have done some mistakes back in her love life history, but now she opens up telling about how she thinks Kanye West is the one! "What about marriage? Do you want his child? Where are we?", Barbara Walters asked Kim. "Technically I'm still married", Kim answered and talked about her pending divorce from Kris Humphries. "Anything I'd be in now would be a permanent relationship", she said adding that she thinks Kanye is her "perfect match". And when she got the question about whether Kanye is the right man for her or not she said: "I hope so. I believe so."
Hay Leute,
Heute will ich euch einen der neueren Trends zeigen. Es geht um „Ombre Hair“!
Was ist „Ombre Hair“ überhaupt?
- Hallo ihr Lieben!
Heute komme ich wieder mit dem neusten Trend angerannt.
Dieser Trend nennt sich 'Animal Prints'.
- Große "Beats by Dr Dre" Party im Berliner Spindler & Klatt Club und es wimmelt nur so von Promies ... Alles voller Models, Schauspieler und Musikern. tten alle mächtig abgefeiert. Wir wären gern dabei gewesen!
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