- Wir vermuten mal, dass es keinem entgangen ist, dass Justin Timberlake und seine wunderschöne Braut Jessica Biel am Freitag in einem Urlaubsort in Puglia, Süditalien vor den Traualtar getreten sind.
- Nicole Richie looked ravishing in black velvet last night as she attended at the 7th Annual Teen Vogue Fashion University in New York City yesterday. She finished the looked with a pair of black Louboutin pumps! Nicole has become such a classy lady recently!
- Long skirts are obviously rahel Zoe's fashion obsession, but she knows thousands of ways to match it! This get-up was very casual and everyday stylish. We love!
- Ashley Tisdale kuschelt mit ihrem pelzigen Freund, Amber Rose zeigt stolz ihren Babybauch und Bar Refaeli teilt ihrem Urlaub mit uns ...
- Lauren Conrad trägt das hübscheste orangefarbene Kleid überhaupt, als sie Fans begrüßt und Ausgaben ihres neuen Buches im Orangenstaat Florida signiert!
- Asley Tisday cuddles with her furry friend, Amber Rose shows off her baby Bump and Bar Refaeli shares her holiday with us... Since Instagram is our backstage pass into celebrities lives and it has become our latest obsession, we would love to share out favourite pics from our favourite celebrity accounts!
- Könnt ihr euch noch daran erinnern, wie Michael Jacksons Kinder immer mit Masken herumliefen, damit niemand sie erkennen konnte?!
- Adele has become a mom! Several UK newspapers are reporting that the british superstar singer gave birth to a precious little baby boy on Friday. We are so happy that she and boyfriend Simon Konecki have welcomed their first child to the world! The new parents are said to be thrilled: "Adele and Simon are ecstatic at their new arrival," a source reveals. Congratulations to the lucky couple!
- Nicole Richie sah letzte Nacht in schwarzem Samt zum Anbeißen aus, als sie an der 7. jährlichen Teen Vogue Fashion University in New York City teilnahm.
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