- The Cheetah Girls, Chanel, Dorinda, and Aqua, are off to India to star in a lavish new Bollywood movie. This could really be their big chance, their Cheetah destiny to become international stars …
- It’s time for The Cheetah Girls: One World Blu-ray & DVD Contest
Win Stardollars. A New Winner Every Day.
Contest runs between December 9 – 26th
We have our winners ... Enjoy the Screening and write in to tell us what you thought of the movie!!
to be automatically entered to win tickets to a Sunday December 14th screening of The Secrets of Moonacre in London.
UK Stardolls -- Don't forget to check your Suite -- we have sent you the Secret of Moonacre Book --- use it to find other prizes in the game!
Here it is the Same Difference Interview from Contest Winner Lauren aka munhkinrulz --
Don't miss the choreography lesson from Same Difference -- all dedicated StarDancers need to nail these moves.
We love Same Difference ... after all we have the Same initials!!
Callie SD (get it!)
- Jetzt kannst du ein signiertes Exemplar von Faith Hills neuem Weihnachtsalbum, "Joy to the World" gewinnen.
Hier ist eine Vorschau von unserer Stardoll-Gewinnerin Lauren alias munchkinrulz -- hinter den Kulissen (und auf der Bühne!) bei X Factor mit Same Difference ... und vieles mehr ...
... schau dir die Schnappschüsse nach dem Interview an --- komplette Interviews demnächst im Magazine!
- We have a winner! munchkinrulz went backstage at X Factor and interviewed Same Difference ...and more!! Look for all the video footage coming Soon!
Now you can parlay your Stardoll skills into a chance to win tickets and backstage passes to interview Series Four X Factor stars 'Same Difference' to celebrate their debut single “We R One” (24 Nov) and debut album “Pop” launch
Here is Part One of our Stardoll interview with RC Paulina Porizkova ... watch the video and then be part of our I'm Dressing up as Paulina for Halloween Contest and win Stardollars.
Es sind schon unzählige inspirierende, kreative Sceneries mit dem Rosa Schleife -Thema hier auf Stardoll entstanden ... einer der Gründe, warum wir den Rosa Schleife -Laden auf der StarPlaza eröffnet haben (mit der limitierten Auflage von 'Pink for October' -Kleider und Accessoires)
- Sponsored Post
Win the High School Musical 3: Senior Year DANCE! video game
Experience the energy, fun, and music of all three “High School Musical” movies. Players can dance to the beat of favorite “High School Musical” songs in familiar movie locations alongside their favorite characters.
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"