AkaiKitsune Inspired

vor 65 Monaten


I recently was scrolling through pages during MSW when I happened across AkaiKitsune. When I saw this doll, my jaw kind of casually dropped open. I knew that their work was something that needed to be shared, because honestly they are so amazing!

I was lucky enough to be able to sit down with AkaiKitsune to talk about their art, and what inspires them to create amazing scenes here on Stardoll. AkaiKitsune, or Danny, as many call them, is a 26 year old from Portugal who describes themself as genderfluid. Danny might be kind of quirky and awkward, but that doesn't take away from the talent of their art! 

Here's what AkaiKitsune had to say:

~ If you could describe your art in one word, what word would you use?

" Random? I mean, I don't stick to a theme or type of art. I just do whatever I feel like doing at the moment. Though, I guess some of my work is depressingly pretty. If that makes sense."

~ What inspires you to continue to make these incredible looks?

" Some looks/designs/rooms are inspired from photos I see around the internet. Some just kind of show how I feel."

~ What is your favorite look so far and why?

" Well, I'd probably say it's the skull with the half butterfly because it was my first "big" design here and I was actually so proud of it. I just love it."

~ If you could change one thing about the way the world works, what would you change?

"Honestly, I don't even know how to answer that. I would change so much in this world and for that to be able to happen I think the world as it is would have to end. There's too much hate, greed and dishonesty. I wish for equality, that even being different, we'd all still be the same...if you know what I mean."

So there you have it! I hope you all enjoyed this interview, and this amazing designer's work! 


