August 2012
- Das Babyfieber in Hollywood hält an und Eva Mendes ist eine von vielen Frauen, die sich schon vor laaaanger Zeit angesteckt haben ... Aber obwohl sie schon so lange ein Baby will, sagt ihr Liebhaber Ryan noch immer nein.
- Hellblau scheint eine der Lieblingsfarben von Moderatorin Johanna Klum zu sein. Wir haben sie gleich zweimal in ähnlichen hellblauen weiten Blusen gesehen, immer in Kombination zu Vokuhila-Röcken, die in diesem Sommer super angesagt sind. Ob blumiger oder weißer Rock, sie trug dazu eine blaue Clutch mit großer Schleife und ihre brauen Stiefel. Zwei mal die Bestnote, Johanna!
- Jessica Alba was leaving a restaurant in Santa Monica on Thursday wearing a Kate Frances blazer, red Stun sunglasses and star-dyed Current/Elliott skinny jeans. The gorgeous blazer really brightened up her neutral look in a fabulous way! We love it, Jess!
- Ist das der Anfang eines neuen Guys Gone Wild? Wir glauben schon ... Robert Pattinson fängt jetzt, nach Kristen Stewarts öffentlichem Untreue-Skandal, endlich an langsam wieder auf die Beine zu kommen.
- The baby fever that's hit Hollywood just continues, and Eva Mendes is one of many women who's caught it a loooong time ago... But even though she's wanted a baby for such a long time, her beau Ryan Gosling still says no. "Ryan believes in marital commitment before children", an insider reveals. "But Eva doesn't support the institution of marriage. She's very outspoken about it". But Eva is now considering letting Ryan win, and is planning on proposing to him! "She considering caving and actually proposing to Ryan on their one-year anniversary in September!", the source continues. Woh-oh! Looks like she's putting a ring on it before he does! Cool! (celebitchy)
- Sucht ihr nach einem schicken Kleid für die Party heute Abend oder den morgigen Spaziergang durch den Wald?! Ihr braucht nicht weiter zu suchen, denn wir haben die 6 schönsten Promi-Kleider für euch aufgelistet!
- Joel Madden returns to his car after a shopping spree at fashionable Melrose Ave. Is he getting dressed up for wifey Nicole?! We think yes!
- Hey bad girl there! Kendell Jenner doesn't care much about other people's safety- or her own for that sake. The young reality star and model was caught yesterday texting and driving, and an eyewitness was really concerned: "The car was all over the lane. I thought the driver was intoxicated! When I pulled up alongside her car, I realized it was Kendall Jenner.", the witness says."She was texting and driving! I was trying to get off the freeway, and I couldn't merge into the right lane because (Kendall) wasn't paying attention and her car would have drifted into mine. When she realized we were taking pictures of her, she gave me a dirty look but continued texting, laughing with her friends in the car." Hey Ken, pay someone else to text while you're driving! (perezhilton)
- Aaww how sweet! Rachel Zoe shows her affection for baby boy Skyler Berman as they take a walk in sunny West Hollywood!
- Hooray! Here is a top 10 of crazy hot Ryan Gosling pictures and fun-fun facts about the golden boy! Do you know which boyband once wanted Ryan on boad or what cuisine his Beverly Hills restaurant is? Let's find out while really enjoying the eye candy - click on the pictures to see all fun trivia!
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