Juli 2012
- Ihr habt sicher vergessen, dass Justin Bieber in stinknormaler Schüler war, der seinen Abschluss machen muss oder?! Genau das hat er letzte Woche getan: Letzten Donnertag bekam The Biebs wie jeder andere Schüler sein ersehntes Abschlusszeugnis. Zur Zeremonie ging er nicht, er war aber auf der Teinnehmerliste der St. Micheal Catholic Secondary School in Stratford, Ontario. Justin sprach bisher noch nicht über College-Pläne, er hat ja ohnehin keine Zeit. Wir gratulieren zum Abschluss, Justin!
- We bet you guys forgot that Justin Bieber used to be a regular high school student, who still needed to get his diploma! Well, last Thursday, The Biebs was just like every other teenager- he finally graduated high school! He didn't attend the ceremony, but his name was listed at St. Micheal Catholic Secondary School in Stratford, Ontario. Justin hasn't announced any plans to attend college, but he doesn't really have the time anyways. Anyways, congrats Justin! (Source: jezebel)
- Es geht um die Modeschmuckwelt. Dieser Schmuck ist zwar nicht der neueste Trend, aber wird dennoch sehr oft getragen. Es gibt sie in verschiedenen Größen, Farben & Varianten: Eulenketten!
- As you may / or may not know, I`m Ashlee, and today, as summer arrives and the thought of spending time by the pool or shopping for the latest swimwear seems ideal, I`ll be giving you some tips on how to work your tan!
- We spotted Minka Kelly arriving and departing from a beauty salon in West Hollywood. She is one of many fashionistas that knows how to look absolutely smashing every single day. Wearing a cute jean jacket, a pair of leopard pants and a pair of cute boots, Minka gets ten out of ten points from us!
Photo: Courtesy of fablane.com
We already compiled an Independence Day outfit guide, but what about dressing up your nails for the occasion? Festive holidays call for multicolored mani’s, and we’ve got a perfectly patriotic nail art design for the 4th that’s fun and relatively easy to do (no special tools required!). All you need is a toothpick, the three colors of the flag, and a base and top coat to make sure your nails stay fresh and glossy throughout the weekend (because really, who wants to reapply?). Get your stars and stripes on with the steps below! You’ll need: a base coat, red nail polish, white nail polish, blue nail polish, a toothpick, and a top coat.
1. Apply a base coat to protect and strengthen your nails.
Photo: Courtesy of Nails Inc. Nails Inc. A & E base coat, $19. 2. Apply red nail polish to the entire nail. Let it dry for approximately 20 minutes.
Photo: Courtesy of Essie Essie “really red” nail polish, $8.
3. Next, apply a single strip of white nail polish vertically down the center of the nail. Let it dry for 20 minutes.
Photo: Courtesy of Essie Essie “blanc” nail polish, $8.
4. Take the blue nail polish and apply a single strip of nail polish horizontally along the tip of the nail, perpendicular to the white stripe, and covering it a little bit, like in the picture above. Let it dry for 20 minutes.
Photo: Courtesy of Essie Essie “mesmerised” nail polish, $8.
5. Dip the tip of the toothpick into the white nail polish and create your stars by making a dot on the blue strip where you want the star to be. Carefully drag the dot in five directions into a star-like shape. Repeat the process 3-4 times for additional stars, spacing the dots out appropriately. Let the stars dry for 20 minutes. 6. Finish off with a layer of top coat to protect the nail art and make the nails super glossy.
Photo: Courtesy of Sephora Sephora by OPI gelshine top coat, $18.
- To be a Hollywood A-lister you got to stay in shape, and that's what Ashley Tisdale is doing every day! She spends a lot of time at the gym to look good. Her outfits for the gym are always strikingly hot! Hopefully we look like that while training!
- Busta Ryhmes, Willow Smith, Jamie Fox, Michelle Williams...We have to wear sunglasses because of all of these shining stars at BET Awards arrivals!
- We spotted Jennifer Lawrence looking jet-setter ready in a pair of colored jeans (so trendy!), a grey tee, and a pair of flats. This look is perfect for the airport when you need to be comfortable, take off your shoes, and rush from one terminal to the other. Great look, Jen!
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
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