Januar 2012
Deyn in a still from the film Waris Ahluwalia, the all-encompassing creative, has collaborated on a short film with a bevy of his glitterati friends as part of his new duties as a ‘global explorer’ for Starwood’s Luxury Collection of Hotels and Resorts. Featuring Agyness Deyn, the film matches Heidi Bivens’ expert styling with the (until now unknown) musical talents of actor Jason Schwartzman. “It’s a story of a girls traveling through America, it’s a love story, a treasure hunt, and a cross-country journey,” Ahluwalia explained over lunch yesterday afternoon. Conceptualized as a group effort between Ahluwalia, Tilda Swinton, Sandro Kopp and director, Luca Guadagnino, the tranquil film tracks Deyn as she follows a string of anonymous love letters that lead her cross-country—stopping at three lush resorts along the way. Beginning with falconry the Equinox Resort & Spa in Vermont, moving on to the Phoenician in Scottsdale, and then culminating amongst rich palms and greenery at The Royal Hawaiian Resort, Deyn pouts and prevails (sans dialogue) throughout her entire luxuriant all-American adventure. Despite modest efforts, Ahluwalia didn’t get away without a featured role. Though his face remains unseen, the jewelry designer’s hands play a starring role in the film as the only glimpse of Deyn’s lover. Though we prodded to find out if Ahluwalia had a pre-filming hand-beauty routine (with good reason- they’re of model quality), the designer insisted that there were no heavy moisturizers on-set for his a mano close-up. Graciously segueing back to the film, he elaborated, “I’m a story teller, it doesn’t matter if it’s jewelry or a short film—they all tell a tale.” Click through to watch the film!
- Nicky Hilton was spotted outside of Barneys in Beverly Hills, after a nice shopping spree. We're huge fans of Nicky's street style, she looks so stylish but at the same time effortless! Hopefully her sister Paris gets a one-on-one style lesson with her, that'd do Paris good!
- Wir lieben Lady Gagas Louboutin Kleiderschrank! stellt euch vor ihr hättet diese Schuhe? Zum sterben schön! Wir wäre froh, wenn wir nur ein Paar hätten.
Hey Stardolls !
Nochmal danke für die vielen Ideen zu meinem letzten Post, ich denke ich werde einige davon umsetzen.
- Spotted! Amanda Seyfried at the set of her new movie 'Lovelace' in L.A. Great looking hair net. Is that back in style? Haha!
In this post I'm going to be featuring some very unique, very different Medolls! These girls have very different Medolls and their own style!
- Das Bieber Fieber hält an und gestern erreichte es auch Vegas. Noch eine Wachsfigur von Justin Bieber wurde für Madame Tussaud's gemacht. D
- Wir finden, anderen zu helfen ist toll und so denken auch viele der Promis. Viele unserer liebsten Promis engagieren sich in Wohlfahrtseinrichtung und spenden regelmäßig. Klickt auf die Bilder und seht 10 sehr großzügige Spender.
- Fashion giant, H&M, released a vid with their trends for this spring. Think pastels, sporty lux, and neon colorblocking! We love all these trends and can't wait to stock up. Check it out!
Hey :),
Wie sicherlich schon viele von euch bemerkt haben gibt es neues Dorée. Es ist wie die neue Dot-Kollektion richtig knallig und bunt! Die Preise sind gleichgeblieben, jedoch wurde die Aufmachung etwas verändert.
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