August 2011
- Dear dollies,
Today I’m going to teach you how to design Minnie Mouse.
Probably it might be difficult at first sight, but with a little practice you will learn how
to do it closing your eyes!!
Follow carefully the 9 steps hereunder, it will be easier than it seems .
Enjoy this tutorial!!
Finn und Faye erkunden die Stadt und treffen auf Jeff - einen alten Mann, der für einen Mr. Koskay arbeitet. Er erzählt ihnen, dass Koskay Silber in den Minen schürft, aber er leugnet jeh von den mörderischen Kreaturen gehört zu haben.
Lies das ganze Kapitel auf Englisch!
- When you put on your make up, is there a certain feature that you play up more than the others? If we're going out at night we usually opt for smoky eyes but during the day we're big fans of rosy cheeks and bright coral lips! Or maybe you go for a more natural look and just focus on having great skin? Which feature do you let shine? Eyes, lips, skin...let us know!
- Es gibt keinen Herzschmerz, der nicht durch eine kleine Shoppingtour behandelt werden kann! Maria Shriver ist der Beweis dafür. Trotz ihrer sehr öffentlichen und skandalösen Scheidung vom ehemaligen Gouverneur Kaliforniens...
- You might recognize this week's celeb from the famous, Fast and the Furious movies! No, it's not Vin Diesel, it's the very, very hot Paul Walker! We think Paul has this amazing bad boy vibe but he also makes us melt with his piercing blue eyes! We live it when Paul has a scruffy beard, he looks SO manly but we also like him clean shaven. He looks good no matter what. Wouldn't you love to go on a date with Paul? We definitely would!
Hallo meine lieben leser, ich habe für euch mal echt coole aber auch lustige stylings mitgebracht. Ich habe heute wie immer drei hübsche Mädchen dabei. Ich hoffe euch gefallen sie.
1. qluecks_Kind
- ...zumindest beim Anziehen am Morgen! Wir sahen Nicky Hilton beim Lunch mit einem Freund im Toast Restaurant in Los Angeles zu Beginn der Woche und sie sah himmlisch aus!
- Our favorite Disney star, Vanessa Hudgens, has grown up to be a beautiful woman and a talented actress. We love her trendy hippie style, her amazing hair and gorgeous eyes! And hey, she date Zac Efron!
After the success with the "High School Musical" movies she's now loved all over the world. But the years has past and do you guys remember how she looked like back in the days? Well, all we can say is that she's not a little girl anymore! Click on the pictures to see Vanessa's fashion transformation from 2006 until today! What look do you think suits her best?
- Avril Lavigne wird auf der New Yorker Fashion Week ihre eigene Modelinie namens 'Abbey Dawn' vorstellen und wir sind wahrlich gespannt wie sie ihre modische Handschrift kombinieren wird mit Rüschen und Schleifen.Sie sagt dazu folgendes: ''Ich bin wirklich aufgeregt, es ist eine komplette Kollektion mit Schuhe, Bademode, Brillen und Taschen.
- Now that Chord Overstreet has left Glee, we have to wonder, what's he going to do next? We know he's dating Emma Roberts but is that all that Chord plans to do? We hope not!
We found out that Chord has a few tricks up his sleeve, he's planning on working on a record! We love his voice and think he'd have a great career in music! Chord will also be starring in an episode of the TV show, The Middle! We still wish we could see Chord on Glee but it sounds like he knows what he wants! (tvline)
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