Hej. Jeg er Peksel!

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Öykü Peksel is an actress from the beautiful city of Istanbul, Turkey. If you're from Turkey, you'll likely recognize her from TV as well as in Turkish films, but she's most famous from her role in "Acemi Cadi", a Turkish version of the popular American show "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch."
Now Öykü joins us here at Stardoll, where she gives hints about fashion trends and upcoming events on Stardoll. She also writes a series of Turkish articles on the Star Blog titled "Öykü's Corner." Öykü also has her own MeDoll and Suite, where you can visit her and dress her up!
If you want to know more about Öykü's work, you can find her on IMDb at http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2741519/, follow her on Twitter @oykustardoll and like her Facebook page here: http://str.do/ParNrT