- We all knew that the adorable Joseph Gordon-Levitt is an amazing singer, but we were shocked to see what an amazing performer he is on stage! Just recently, he performed at the Sundance festival and he was fantastic. Check out the vid now!
Jeg vil gerne være en af de danske StarBloggere, der dækker emnet "makeup''. Her er min første tutorial, der viser jer, hvordan man laver de smokey eyes, rigtig mange her på Stardoll gerne vil have.
- Karen Simonsens show foregik onsdag aften på Rådhuset, og tonen blev lagt an, da den første model trådte på catwalken med en grå uldkappe med symmetrisk placerede knapper. Herefter forsatte overraskelserne i form af en kontrastfuld kollektion.
YDEs dekadente elegance blev vist I Georg Jensens værksted på Søndre Fasanvej. Rammerne var sat, og man kunne se ind til håndværkerne, der smedede løs, mens modellerne skred hen ad gulvet.
The Shrink Wrap Spectacular var titlen på Henrik Vibskovs bud på efterårsmoden, og spektakulær var installationen da også. En lang installation af hvide trommer blev ramt af trommestikker, når modellerne trådte på de pedaler, der udgjorde podiet – og dermed installationen.
Under overskriften Eccentric Simplicity er kollektionen Susanne Rützous hyldest til Iris Apfel, inkarneret New Yorker og stilikon. Kendt for sine kæmpestore runde briller og eklektiske smag blev dette oversat til et miks af materialer, teksturer og prints tilsat store statement-halskæder af forskellig art – nogle med snore og vedhæng, andre i etniske udformninger og andre igen med store roser, der også gik igen på blandt andet bælter.
- Half of the X-Factor team just got the boot! According to insiders, the judges Nicole Scherzinger and Paula Abdul and the show host, Steve Jones, all were fired. "They survived this year, but it didn’t really work. So they’ve figured they have an opportunity to fix it," the insider says. "They expected Paula to be the goofy girl, and Nicole to be the pretty one. But Paula was so bad that it made none of it work." Ouch, too bad, guys! But why not just step over to the more successful show, The Voice? Ha! (thewrap)
- For all of you Chord Overstreet fans, you can breathe a sigh of relief! Chord and Emma Roberts are officially over. After nine months of bliss together, the couple decided to call it quits. If you remember, Chord quit Glee (or did he take a break?) over the summer and some say it was Emma's influence. But now, thankfully, he's back on the show- we missed our Trouty Mouth! It seems that the two parted as friends, "...they had crushes on each other but the relationship ran its course...She isn't and wasn't looking for a serious thing" said a close source to the couple. Maybe now Chord can serenade us with a song? (usmagazine)
- With the temperature continuing to drop and ice cold frost on our windows, the only thing we can do is bundle up in our warmest gear! But for celebs who live in warmer climates like Los Angeles, all they have to do is add a lightweight scarf and they're good to go. Jealous! Click on the pics to the hottest street style from this week!
- Justin Timberlake has just landed a starring role in the film "Trouble With The Curve." The movie will also star Clint Eastwood and Amy Adams. Clint and Justin play rival baseball scouts on the look for new talent. The only problem? Justin has a crush on Clint's daughter, played by Amy. The film is set to premiere this coming September! It's fun to see Justin in so many films, but will he ever continue his singing career? We love and miss his music! (deadline)
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