- MakeupBerries
- Hello again! This time im going to do 5 makeovers for every post. Then, on my next post, I will do the natural beauties again. Sound ok? GOOD! (This way I can get through the list quicker!) x Enjoy!
Medoll: Kiddier
Before After
- MakeupBerries
- Nynne.Stardoll
Har I også fået dette billede i jeres Stardoll-indbakke? Gad vide hvad det handler om...
Vildt spændende! Er der nogen bud fra jer derude i Danmark monstro..? Skriv hvad DU tror, Stardoll prøver at fortælle os i kommentarfeltet til dette indlæg.
- Nynne.Stardoll
- MakeupBerries
- Hello everyone, thanks for all the positive feedback last time. Natural Beauties will be my next post, but for now, enjoy!
Medoll: kiddier
Before... After...
- MakeupBerries
- poohg_1993
Hello Starblog readers. Today, I have a simple makeup tutorial to share with you. I created this to show how I made my own medoll's look.
Nothing extravagant, but hopefully this inspires you to try something new with your accessories, or inspires you to try new looks in general. Enjoy!
- poohg_1993
- Penkay
Så er det tid til juleindkøb! Er du startet? Er du stadig interesseret i at købe et af de nuttede dyr i Pêt-à-Porter? Så skal du skynde dig, for der er snart ikke flere tilbage...
- Penkay
- lizluz
Hi everybody!
Since we're at the final 12-day stretch until christmas, I was going to ask you guys: What is your favourite holiday store? My personal favourite would have to be the Dior Holiday Tribute store.
- lizluz
- Sabra4390
Hey everyone! I just wanted to wish all of you a great holiday and winter season (Unless you're in the sothern hemisphere, in that case, have an awesome summer).
I created some holiday/winter themed makeup looks.
Have an awesome winter!
- Sabra4390
- Amber_Doll
It's the holidays season so if your stuck on ideas for gifts then here are some that might help!
- Amber_Doll
- MakeupBerries
- Hello guys! After last times post, I got many responces. Thanks for all!
Before and After, and Natural Beauties. The two choices! I will give a Natural Beauty of the post, with a tip or two, but I will be giving a natural makeover with a themed one too.
I hope you like this idea. Now, A L O T of you have asked to be in my first post, but Im sorry, I just cant get everyone in but I have been making lists so you might get a turn! :)
So, I have had quite alot of you wanting to be my natural beauty...
SpeakNow. is a very natural member with just a little bit of makeup. I think she is a perfect example of how being natural can be beautiful!
- MakeupBerries
- cocoglamDaisy Nyeste indlæg: "Copenhagen Fashion Week: EDITH & ELLA SS13"