- Are you as excited as we are for this spring? Well, we know we nag on about it but we really love spring times! We've checked out ten celebs wearing cute springy shorts like Christina Milian and Miley Cyrus. Click on the pics and get some great spring inspiration!
السلام عليكم صديقاتي
اردت ان اتحدث اليوم عن موضوع مهم في حياتنا وهو
لغه العيون , وهنالك العيون المختلفه والتي توحي الى اشياء معينه مثل الفرح الحزن وغيرها
و في ستاردول ايضا نستطيع التعبير عما نريد و قد جئت لكن بهذه الصور
اتمنى ان تنال اعجابكن :)
- Well we definitely know one thing about the secret life of celebs, they don't live on just lettuce and water. They love eating Chinese food and pizza too! And they do it on the run, while on their way home and to work, and even at work. Click on the pics to see some hot celebs with their take away food!
عضوات ستاردول , هناك اشياء تثير التنافس في ستاردول و سنختار بعض المسابقات و ليس كلها
- مسابقة فتاة الغلاف
هي عبارة عن مسابقة عالمية , في جميع انحاء ستاردول و التي تفوز بها هي التي تحصل على اعلى نسبة تصويت
للجناح في انحاء ستاردول خلال يوم الواحد
- Spring has sprung and we're all about the warm rays of sun, the crisp air, and the soon blooming buds! But what to wear, especially in all of the rain that inevitably comes with spring. Well, take inspiration from our favorite celebs and grab your favorite trench, a bright colored umbrella, and a pair of rain boots and you're ready for Spring- come rain or shine!
- Jessica Alba is not only a actress, she's now also a author! Jessica will release a how-to handbook, "The Honest Life". The book will be based on her mission of creating a natural, non-toxic life for her family. It will be about her life as a mother who is seeking to give her children a better start in life. "It's totally crazy but amazing. I'm not extreme. This book is for people who are in the middle but want to create a healthier life, like me," says Jessica. "The Honest Life" will also offer tips on how to create a non-toxic home, like design tips and some of Jessica's favorite family recipes. "It will be easy and fun and I want it to be really colorful. Everything in this book will be something meaningful that I've incorporated into our lives." We can't wait to read Jessica's handbook, it will certainly have a lot of great tips! (people)
- We totally saw this coming! Reese Witherspoon is pregnant with her third child! "Reese is right around 12 weeks", a close source confirms adding that the star is "not planning to announce it.". The child will be Reese first child with her second husband Jim Toth, who she wed last March after one year of dating. So exciting!"The timing is right," the source also reveals. "She's so happy". Well of course she is- this woman has everything! Reese turns 36 tomorrow, so we guess she'll celebrate a little extra. Congrats Reese! We're so happy! (usweekly)
- لربيع فصل البهجة والجمال يأتى بعد فصل الشتاء مباشرة فى 21 من شهر مارس فعندما يعتدل الجو وتخضر الاشجار وتتفتح الازهار وتشم رائحة النسيم ونرى الورود الرائعة بألوانها الجذابة ورائحتها الجميلة ونسمع تغريد الطيور نقول أن هذا هو فصل الربيع فصل البهجة والجمال
- Beyonce has been on the down low since the birth of her daughter, Blue Ivy Carter, earlier this year. It's been a little over two months and Beyonce just announced that she will return to the stage in May for a Memorial Day concert in Atlantic City! She will perform three times from May 25-27! Tickets go on sale April 6, so start lining up now- it's going to be sold out! We wonder if Blue Ivy will follow in her mother's footsteps- if so we can't wait for the mother-daughter duo! (people)
تعرفي على جميع الستار بلوغ الموجوة لدينا
أهم المشاركات المر…: "ملك الألوان"Sadaro7o
أهم المشاركات المر…: "عيد الاضحى المبارك "Arificent27
أهم المشاركات المر…: "التسوق"stararig
أهم المشاركات المر…: "الربيع"Salma!
أهم المشاركات المر…: "زيت جوز الهند"