- Some celebs always know how to look absolutely flirty, fab and fierce! This week we've seen stars like actress Bella Thorne attending an event for upcoming movie "The Odd Life Of Timothy Green", showing us exactly how a true star should look like. Looking for some super awesome style tips for your upcoming week? Just click on the pics and be inspired!
- Now Kristin Cavallari is officially a mom! Yesterday morning Kristin gave birth to a baby morning, and she announced it on Twitter just hours after the birth: "We are thrilled to welcome Camden Jack Cutler into the world", the former reality star wrote. "He was born this morning weighing 7lbs 9oz. Everyone is doing great!", she continued. Camden is the first child for both Kristin and the father, her fiance Jay Cutler. They announced she was pregnant back in January, which was just months after they reconciled after a short break up. Congrats, Kristin and Jay! We hope you'll be a happy little family! (wonderwall)
مرحبا صديقاااتي
ابداعات لا تنتهي
- Money is power and all that- but what do the really rich and famous celebrities think about their stash? Mariah Carey knows she is wealthy, but there is something about the poorer lifestyle that appeals to her, and Beyonce admits what she'd NEVER do on a date! Click on the pictures to read top 10 crazy and sometimes stupid celebrity quotes on wealth and cash!
مرحبااا اليوم ساعرض عليكم مجموعة من تنسيقاتى لدميتى
اتمنى ان تناااال اعجاابكم
انا احترم كل ارائكم لانها تهمنى :)
- Celebrities aren't always as perfect as they might seem... Well, especially NOT when it comes to their make-up! We're all trying to cover up the dark circles under our eyes every single morning, but sometimes the celebs go a little too hard on the concealer. We think Nicole Kidman, Selena Gomez and actress Isabelle Adriani should consider getting new make-up artists, or simply learn how to put on their concealer right! Click on the pics and learn by their mistakes!
منذ سنة تقريبا ... كنا نشاهد البرنامج العربي المذهل "Arabs got talent" فهناك بنت موهوبة ادهشتنا بموهبتها و هي الرسم على الرمل
و كانت تلك المرة الاولى التي اشاهد هذه الموهبة فائقة الجمال
و لكن هناك موهبة اجمل منها ؟
مرحبا صديقاتي
هل تذكرون كارمن سليمان الفائزة بلقب محبوبة العرب ؟؟
هل تذكرون صوتها الشادي الجميل ونعومتها الفائقة
احب كثيرا ان ارى ابداعات صديقات ستاردول
والكثير منها يبهرني
صممت عدسات رائعه و متقنهـــ
- السلام عليكم
صممت اليوم قبعة ناعمة جدا في شعرستارديزاين
شكلها ناعم جداً مع ورده لونها وردي فاتح
وهي قبعة جميلة وتليق على لبس الصيف
تعرفي على جميع الستار بلوغ الموجوة لدينا
أهم المشاركات المر…: "ملك الألوان"Sadaro7o
أهم المشاركات المر…: "عيد الاضحى المبارك "Arificent27
أهم المشاركات المر…: "التسوق"stararig
أهم المشاركات المر…: "الربيع"Salma!
أهم المشاركات المر…: "زيت جوز الهند"