

The Worst Way To Communicate Is…

171 منذ أشهر

Photo: Getty

Yes, girls! We said it! Texting is not the best and brightest means of interacting when interested or dating a guy. Sure, it’s the easiest—sometimes we’re scared to admit your feelings face-to-face. There’s the possibility of being flat-out rejected, and then we have an awkward situation on our hands. Or, sometimes we just can’t think of one word to say to each other that would justify a phone call. Of course we don’t want to look stupid in front of your guy, but a little confidence never hurt anybody! Here are a few tips on how you can boost your confidence, let go of your phone’s key pad, and let yourself do the talking!

1. There is no need to pour your heart out through a text: Girls! Listen up! It is no where near healthy to send a novel out to your guy demanding (and expecting) a quick answer. If there’s something on your mind that is really heart felt, just dial his number or ask him to meet up with you for five minutes. It’s the only way you can clear your conscience and say everything that’s on your mind.

2. If a guy does not respond right away: It doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you! The likely thing is that he is busy with other things. If he really likes you, then he should and will make the effort to text you back. If a guy takes the time to take you out or try to get to know you, then he can also text! After all it takes a second to type: “hey!”

3. Misinterpretation via text message: Another big part on why texting is misleading is because half the time we can’t really interpret what somebody is trying to say. We don’t know exactly the tone the guy or even the girl is trying to set. One word can be misinterpreted into many things. For example, If a guy texts you to ask you if you want to hang out, you instantly reply by saying: “sorry I can’t I have a couple of things to do.”

a) There is certainly a lot of things going on in his head: does she not want to hang out with me? What does she have to do?

b) He can also take it as an excuse not to hang out with him. This is why we have to choose our responses wisely. Why deal with a headache when you can just call? Save yourselves (and him!) the over-analyzing that comes with cryptic texts that weren’t intended to be cryptic in the first place.

We hope these tips helped you realize why you should ease up on the texting a little bit. After all, we all text! But it really comes down to a standard conversation and just getting your point across as opposed to a page-long text pouring your heart out….leave your key pad out of it and let yourself do the talking! This will be the key solution to your dating problems.
نشرت في :ElleGirl


