آب 2014
- polarbear09
- I've had at least a hundred entries sent to me and have looked at each and every one of them, to give you these 3 long awaited winners!
- polarbear09
- noortycool
- بالنسبة للفتيات الاهتمام بنفسهن هو امر مهم فالبعض يفضلن الاهتمام بنفسهن في المناسبات الخاصة و بعضهن بكل الاوقات، الاهتمام بنفسك ومظهرك مهم!
- noortycool
- Stardoll Admin
- This week it's time for the Taurus horoscope.
- Stardoll Admin
- t_louise
- She purred almost constantly and spent many hours curled up on my lap or shoulder.
- t_louise
- stararig
مع حلول فصل الصيف وإشراقة شمسه تبدأ معظم الفتيات في البحث عن وسيلة لحماية بشرتهن من حروق الشمس
ومن تبقع البشرة في الصيف
- stararig
- BeatrixJane
Charli XCX is a British singer-songwriter who you probably know from her songsBoom Clap, Superlove, and one she wrote and gave to Icona Pop, I Love It.
- BeatrixJane
- Arificent
فإليك آنستي أهـم أعـداء الرشآقه
- Arificent
- Stardoll Admin
- This week it's time to find out what your superpower would be!
- Stardoll Admin