تشرين الأول 2012
- At the minute it is October and winter is about to come very soon (summer if you live in the southern hemisphere) which means that some of the biggest festivals are about to begin very soon. The main festivals lots of people tend to think of during winter are things like Christmas and Thanksgiving but there are many more that lots of people have never heard of so i’m going to give a brief little list & description of a few of the festivals during winter!
- مرحبا عضوات ستاردول المميزات
اليوم الفرحة تنتشر بأجواء ستاردول
والسبب هو ان ستاردول قــــــــــريبة من تحقيق 200 مليون عضوة
وها نحن ننتظر الهدايا المشوفة
وننظر للعد التنازلي لل200 مليون عضوة
اهلا بكم يا اصدقائي
اعرف الكثير من الفتيات يعشقون اللون الاحمر هيا بنا نعرف فوائد اللون الاحمر
فوائد اللون الاحمر وتأثيره على الانسان
- Lady Gaga leaves Harrods London in a golden carriage! And she is wearing an... interesting headpiece! Dear Gaga, you never cease to amaze us! Even though we'd never wear it ourselves we can't help but love it!
اهلا صديقاتي
اليوم بينما كنت في مطبخي اشرب عصير الفراولة سعيدة مرتاحة البال
طرحت الاسواق مؤخراً مناكير الكافيار بألوانه اللؤلؤية الراقية
فاحببت ان ابتكر طريقة استخدامه في صالون ستاردول بطريقتي الخاصه ***
وقد نجحت التجربة و أحببت أن اشارك أصدقائي بطريقة جديدة و جميلة
- This week we take a look at celebrities like Alessandra Ambrosio, Isla Fisher and Nicole Scherzinger to find inspiration for our own fashion choices.
A cute raspberry red skirt or maybe a blue denim shirt with short ankle boots - this bunch of stars represent ten different styles and we are sure you could find your match in at least one of them!
Today, after speaking to previous National Covergirl Hollyoaksrocks* I thought I would share my interview of her success back in July when she won this title for GB, heres what she said:
The first question I asked how did you feel when you first logged in and saw that your medoll had won National Covergirl?
Here I will be posting about the benefits of being a Superstar. Why you should upgrade to being a Superstar (or even better, royalty!) The results are listed down here.
My thoughts are that being a Superstar makes Stardoll a funner place for you. You can do so much more things than being a non-superstar. Like for example...
- Looking good ladies! We love the big black floppy hat just as much as Katy Perry and Lady Gaga do, but we're having a hard time deciding who wore it better?! Katy in her everyday chic outfit or Lady Gaga, just as Gagalicious as usual? Who is your favorite?
تعرفي على جميع الستار بلوغ الموجوة لدينا
أهم المشاركات المر…: "ملك الألوان"Sadaro7o
أهم المشاركات المر…: "عيد الاضحى المبارك "Arificent27
أهم المشاركات المر…: "التسوق"stararig
أهم المشاركات المر…: "الربيع"Salma!
أهم المشاركات المر…: "زيت جوز الهند"